
Living in the Moment Workshop
I joined Julie Rogers LITM course, it was the best thing I done.
The transformation was astonishing, I knew that she understood what I have been through, I realised with her help, how I needed to address my needs first and heal my inner child.
Over the coming weeks I started meditation and yoga which I still practice now, this was the start of my healing journey. Julie Rogers was the start of the new ME.
After year’s of abusive partner’s, I started to live on my own supporting myself, I went back to a part time job, and I started my own community garden with four other sufferers and became a charity in 2019. I am running “Blossoms of Hope” charity with three other ladies. In July 2021, I had designed a show garden for the world famous, Hampton Court Flower RHS in Central London – it was a big achievement!!
In only a couple of years I had achieved this, but Julie Rogers was the switch. She made me believe in myself. I owe her so much, I got my life back, better and stronger than before. I still do my journal, my meditation and my yoga, and I have her heart stones that she gave me.
None of this would not have been possible without Julie Rogers and her course.

Living in the Moment Workshop
The Living in the Moment and Peer Support Group have been amazing but most of all the “One to One’s” we had. You patiently and empathetically listened and gave me “life tools” that I can take away with me for the rest of my life!
You have showed me how to let all my emotions and feelings out on paper in my journal in a beautiful way and to also remember that “I am safe and ok”.
I have a different view of life and death since I met you and I want to thank you so much for the Counselling that you have given me, your counselling is “real life” not just some text book jargon. I am so glad that I was referred to you by Live Well Kent.
I know whatever you do, you will do well because you have a unique service to offer your clients.
I will certainly be recommending you to whoever needs your services.

Julie Rogers Counselling
Julie Rogers provides a therapeutic system that takes the healing journey to a much more in-depth level that is much more person centred, expansive and invaluable to those who go through it.
Julie’s system has really resonated with me. The individual counselling felt like a journey we took together in which her gentle guidance and support created a healing foundation on which I was able to express myself and explore my history in a safe space.

1-1 Bereavement Counselling and Living in the Moment Workshop
I first met with Julie for our one 2 one sessions over zoom in June 2021 after the death of my mum. I was referred to her for Bereavement Counselling.
Whilst having these sessions, Julie invited me to join in her living in the moment workshop.
Having therapy with Julie was amazing for me and helped me grow in to the person
I am now. The workshop gave me confidence to socialise, taught me self-worth and encouraged me to live in the present. The tools I have been given allow me to live my life the way I want to. Be a better person and be a better mum.
With Julie's help and being part of the workshop had given me the strength to start a career. Something I thought at my age wouldn't happen. I am now a facilitator for the Kent and Medway Recovery College, I volunteer with Home-Start and now I volunteer with Live Well Kent.
I am also volunteering with Julie in her current "Living in the Moment" workshop. Seeing it from the other side has given me a whole new perspective on the effects Julie has to give to lots of people. The confidence she is installing in all of her clients. She teaches us all to be present and focus on the NOW. The connection that has been made by all of the group is just inspiring and this has been facilitated by Julie. I can see the impact Julie and her counselling has on all of us. I will be forever grateful for the gift Julie has given me, but more importantly she taught me to be proud.
Holly-Jane Heaton

Bereavement and Loss Counselling
Can you tell me if and how my counselling has helped you?
Yes it has, It has been a different type of counselling than I have been used to. I feel free and you are the first person to move me forward. You have lit the fire in myself. It has been amazing, I appreciate you.
What did you find helpful from our counselling sessions?
My journal, it helps me let go of my feelings and think about my behaviour, it practically helps me. You pulled me out of a dark place.
Can you say what you have learnt about yourself?
I deserve so much more than I was giving myself, you helped me see this. I have learnt to stop running from my inner child.
I feel braver and I genuinely feel I can have depression without beating myself up, it's ok not to be ok at times. I am much more self aware of my process, especially around my inner child and it liberates me. I have stopped hurting myself and pulling my hair out, the writing replaces me hurting myself.
I am worthy | Self care is important | I am appreciative of the little things and to be grateful.
Anything else about my service, good or bad?
I have never had anything bad, I love how you have listened and feel you have found your calling, this is what you are meant to do. Thank you.

Trauma and Inner Child counselling
Having a like minded therapist who totally gets it and has lived through it too. made me feel more at ease about sharing and opening up. Julie has helped me understand about patterns and triggers that I can identify and work on.
I am capable of riding my wave and keeping calm, in the moment and getting through it without losing control. Acknowledging and listening to my inner child, learning she will be safe with me.
Julies services has been an incredible journey for me and has taught me so much about myself and how I can move forward in a more peaceful and grounded way.